That time everyone was sick in your house during Christmas vacation... except your husband... And it rained and was humid and was HOT...
'Twas the week before Christmas, when all through the house
the stomach bug was stirring, as quiet as a mouse.
The stockings were FINALLY hung by the chimney with flare
in hopes that we would remember St. Nicholas was supposed to be there...
The children were restless all sick in their beds
while visions of seeing their dinner twice pounded in their heads.
And Mama in the bathroom, and Dad enjoying a night cap
were about to settle down for a short, hot, rainy winter's nap.
When out of our son's room there arose such a clatter
we sprang from our bed to see what was the matter.
Away to his room we flew like a flash
tore off his covers, and told him to the bathroom to dash.
The moon on the breast of the never-fallen snow
gave the lustre of midday to the wet ground below.
When, what to our sleepy eyes should appear
but our daughter standing in her own tiny puddle of Christmas "cheer".
With a little old towel, Mama tried to clean real quick
because she knew in a moment that she would again get sick.
More rapid than eagles, her stomach did churn,
and she whistled, shouted and closed the door and took her turn...
To the top of the toilet!
To the floor of the hall!
Now flush away! Flush away!
Flush away all!"
As we were before the wild "cheer" did fly
when were met with an obstacle, never too big for us to get by.
So up to the pharmacy Dad's car flew
with the back full of Kaopectate and Phenergan too...
... He sprang from his car, to his team gave a whistle
And to him we all flew like the down of a thistle.
Then I heard him exclaim, as he RAN out of sight,
"Give this medicine to all, and to all a good night!"