past tense: overwhelmed; past participle: overwhelmed
- bury or drown beneath a huge mass."the water flowed through to overwhelm the whole dam and the village beneath"
- give too much of a thing to (someone); inundate."they were overwhelmed by farewell messages"
The way I look at it there is a GOOD overwhelmed and a BAD overwhelmed. For example...
- Having my husband travel 14 days/nights so far in the month of November... BAD overwhelmed (seriously, single moms deserve a serious medal!).
- Hearing our son say repeatedly "when is daddy coming home, mama? I love my daddy!"... GOOD overwhelmed.
- Realizing that I did not pack "season-appropriate play clothes" in Holder's backpack for after church today and watching him play in the November cold in fleece and flip flops... BAD mama. #momfail
- Watching him jump all over my dad who had laid on the floor after my mom's "Sunday roast"... moment here please... ok... GOOD GOOD overwhelmed.
- Stressing about the "to-do's" that come with this time of year... BAD overwhelmed.
- Hearing the beautiful song "Overwhelmed" sung in worship today... GOODness! https://youtu.be/BiGb14tTaH4
- Having 1 or both of my kiddos screaming/whining at the same time... ALL of the time it seems like lately... BAD headache, I mean overwhelmed.
- Watching my daughter smile and hearing her very contagious laugh at my mom, who is always very entertaining, by the way. #borngrandmother... GOOD overwhelming.
- Waiting 2 weeks and FINALLY finding out tomorrow afternoon the results of my father-in-law's test results... BAD overwhelmed.
- Praying with my family today after lunch together... outside... in the beautiful sunshine... all holding onto each other... that's the GOOD stuff, y'all!
SOOOOO, whether you have it all together (please do explain to me how to be you!!) or your kids are running around outside in late November with runny noses in fleece and flip flops, let's dive into this season of OVERWHELMING to do's and JOY with our game faces ON, our hearts FULL and our smiles READY! And when in doubt, just grin & nod. (FREE advice for ya, loves.)
Faith, Family and Fun my Friends. And... the occasional Fleece & Flip Flops... #mommyfog