I can hear The Bangles' song loud and clear, "It's just another Manic Monday!" Lately, I have come to know the Mondays as more of a "Malone Monday". My first born babe started K3 this fall which leaves me and sister home alone on most Monday mornings. This is a blessing because it allows me to catch up from the weekend (seriously, how do you working moms do it all??!!) Sister loves having mama all to herself and lawd if she doesn't take advantage of ruling the roost! BUT... back to brother...
So because I am #thatmom, I might have slipped a little note in his backpack for his teacher on his first little day of school...
Dear Teacher,
For threes years I’ve had his mornings, now suddenly they’re yours.
I’ve watched him grow & learn daily, now it’s you that watches as he explores.
I know I am a “sappy mom”, and you’ve seen a few of me.
Change is all around us now, and it’s tough for me you see.
So, patience as I learn to let him go, well, just a little bit.
I pray for him on his new little journey, and that he doesn’t throw a fit.
I know you’ll teach him well, with all your intelligence and preparation,
I pray he will be well mannered, attentive and full of cooperation.
From me to K3 is exciting indeed, I know he will learn & shine.
I pray for you too, teacher, today he will step into your world and leave mine.
It’s hard to let go, dear teacher, so be gentle as I turn to leave.
For you have my firstborn treasure, and now you’re the lucky one, I believe.
Love, Holder’s Mom
The shirt I wanted him to wear day 1, but you know, #threenager! |
Bless his little builder bones! |
"Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me - put into practice. And the God of peace will be with you." Philippians 4:9
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